Courses in Jain Philosophy, History & Anthropology

2006 | Discovering Jain Philosophy with All Your Senses
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2006 | Discovering Jain Philosophy with All Your Senses
Modern life’s formal education, Western religious and philosophical systems as well as medical and social sciences make us have the impression that our soul, mind and body work separately, do not quite affect each other, and that mind rules everything. In the popular imagination, philosophy and religion are the places for the mind whereas the gym or doctor’s office are the places for the body. On the path to liberation, Jain dharma shows that soul, mind and body are integrated and that bodily conduct directly affects one’s incarnated spiritual journey. The field of the Anthropology of Senses, in its turn, has shown us that our engagement with specific material environments and practices – whether they are architectural aspects, icons, clothing, food, and other bodily aspects in daily life – shape our perceptions and conceptions about the world we live in, through processes of which we are not always aware, helping or preventing us from reaching true knowledge.The combination of Jain philosophy, explanations, and practices within the framework of the Anthropology of Senses provides means for unveiling daily (perceived as natural) knowledge-obscuring practices, which lead us to distorted perceptions about life and what we are doing here. The course aims to lead participants to an auto-observation regarding how they learn what they learn by exploring how an Anthropology of the Senses both informs, and is informed by, Jain tradition.
$99.00 USD

104 | Introduction to Jainism through the Teaching of Shrimad Rajchandra
Introduction to Jainism – Beginner is an introductory class covering key tenets of Jainism. The course will introduce Lord Mahavir and Shrimad Rajchandra. Key Trana Mantrani Mala including Navkar Mantra, Sahajatma Swarupa Paramaguru, Paramaguru Nirgrantha Sarvajnadeva, and Atama Bhavana Bhavata Jiva Lahe Kevalajnana Re and their meanings will be covered. Introduction to daily prayers, prohibition of seven vyasans (sins), and importance of Jain diet will be covered.
$99.00 USD

109 | Dashlakshan Dharm to Follow as a Jain
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109 | Dashlakshan Dharm to Follow as a Jain
This course incorporates Ten Virtues that characterize Jain Faith as derived from the Tattvartha Sutras and shares basic Jain principles and practices with participants. My goal is to help people learn to be a Jain in Daily Life by possessing these characteristics that will make them peaceful and equanimous. The sessions will bring forth the explanation of these Ten Jain Virtues as propagated by the Arihantas to stop the influx of Karma and release previously accumulated Karmas peacefully by their own efforts. The explanations given will be simple, using everyday language and understanding. By understanding the principles outlined in the class, participants will become aware of Virtuous living.LEARNING OBJECTIVES:The Ten Virtues in Jain Faith – Presented in Day-to-Day contextJain Philosophy of Soul, Karma and Liberation as relevant to present lifeHow these Virtuous Practices could lead one to live a peaceful life and achieve Salvation.Greater awareness and knowledge of fundamental principles propounded in ancient scriptures relevant to modern life.Strengthen and unify our community.Make this world a better place for all life.Peaceful and Virtuous everyday life.
$99.00 USD

2007 | Mokṣa-māḷā & the Movement of Śrīmad Rājcandra: Part 1
Śrīmad Rājcandra (1867-1901) was an important Jain Saint of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who founded a distinct and modern, yet also in many ways quite orthodox, movement of Jainism. While Śrīmad and his followers followed many mainstream Jain teachings and practices, his teachings and the tradition that grew from them are distinct with regards to their emphasis on nonsectarianism, the ability to attain self-realization as a profound experience of one’s spiritual essence in this life or shortly thereafter, understanding of liberation as an attainable goal within 15 lifetimes, a critique of contemporary institutions of mendicancy, and the uniqueness of a bourgeoning lay movement where lay practitioners are the primary source of spiritual authority—a feature that has been widely appealing to Jain lay practitioners. The first half of this two-part course will examine how the events of Śrīmad’s life gave shape to this movement and will look at the philosophical underpinnings of Śrīmad’s tradition based on the Mokṣa-māḷā, a Gujarati text that he composed in 1887, at the age of 20, the same year that he was married, and several years before he attained self-realization and renounced worldly life. In the first half of this course, we will focus primarily on how Śrīmad’s philosophy was informed by notable events in his life, and how in turn these events and this philosophy have influenced the development of the Raj Bhakta Marg, the tradition that has developed from this important modern Jain guru. Learning Objectives:Learn the basic biographical outline of the life of Śrīmad Rajcandra.Understand the social and biographical events that led to the development of the Raj Bhakta Marga.Examine key features of the Raj Bhakta Marga that make it a unique modern Jain movement.
$99.00 USD

2008 | Mokṣa-māḷā & the Movement of Śrīmad Rājcandra: Part 2
As we have seen in the first half of this course, Śrīmad Rājcandra was an important Jain Saint of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who founded adistinct and modern, yet also in many ways quite orthodox, movement of Jainism known as the Raj Bhakta Marg. In the first half of this course, we focused primarily on how Śrīmad Rājcandra’s (1867-1901) philosophy was informed by notable events in his life, and how in turn these events and this philosophy have influenced the development of the Raj Bhakta Marg. In the second half of this class we will examine the features of Śrīmad’s philosophy in greater depth based primarily on the writings of the Mokṣa-māḷā (1887), but occasionally examining his Ātma-siddhi Śāstra (1896) as well. Moreover, we will examine the central concept of guru bhakti and discuss the importance of understanding Jain bhakti both within Śrīmad’s thought and tradition,but also within Jainism more broadly. We will closely examine how Śrīmad discussed various features of spiritual practice such as the importance of mantra recitation, sāmāyika and dhyāna meditation, and other practices intended to remove one’s karma and give one a direct experience of one’s spiritual essence. Finally, we will unpack the concise and elegant arguments that Śrīmad offers for the existence of an eternal soul—all discussions intended to both edify and inspire practitioners to dedicate themselves to an ardent spiritual practice where one might hope to attain self-realization and even liberation within 15 lifetimes—a significantly more attainable and immediate goal than what is often understood by many in the Jain tradition. Learning Objectives:Read and reflect on the teachings of Śrīmad’s Mokṣa-māḷā regarding themes of self-realization, bhakti, religious practices, and philosophical discourses including logical proofs for the existence of a soul.Understand the importance of Śrīmad’s emphasis of attaining self-realization and liberation, and how this relates to understanding him as a reformer or a revivalist.Examining key features of bhakti, especially guru bhakti, in the Śrīmad tradition and how this might inform a broader understanding of the importance and role of bhakti in the Jain tradition more broadly.Examine key features of religious practice advocated by Śrīmad and widely practiced by his followers including mantra recitation, sāmāyika, dhyāna, and guru-bhakti.Take time to reflect on philosophical principles of Śrīmad and applicability into daily life.Inquire into the deeper meanings and implications of the Śrīmad’s teachings in dialogue with other Jain teachings and other religious traditions.
$99.00 USD

1001 | Jain Philosophy in Daily Life
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1001 | Jain Philosophy in Daily Life
What do Jain teachings have to do with my life today? Learn how to answer this question with Jain philosophical texts that provide perennial guidance that applies to your most common everyday life situations.
$99.00 USD

2004 | The Ātma-siddhi of Śrīmad Rājcandra: Jain Philosophy for Modern Times
This course will provide an overview of Jain Dharma based on an important text of the venerated Jain preceptor, Śrīmad Rājcandra. The trajectory of concepts covers Śrīmad’s philosophical proofs for the existence of an eternal soul as an agent, in relationship to bondage and liberation from karma. The approach of this course will be an analysis of these concepts in terms of various categories of philosophy with an inclination towards comparative religion and interfaith dialogue.
$99.00 USD

3003 | The Bhagavad Gītā: A Jain Perspective
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3003 | The Bhagavad Gītā: A Jain Perspective
Engage in a deep interfaith dialogue between Jain Dharma and the Bhagavad-gītā (generally considered to be a Hindu text) by following the basic principles of interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding that are paradigmatic to a variety of sources in the Jain tradition (e.g. the works of Haribhadrasūri, Hemacandra, and Śrīmad Rājchandra). Examine the shared understandings of yoga practice between Jain traditions and that which is advocated in the Bhagavad-gītā, while also underscoring the doctrinal uniqueness of Jain Dharma in terms of metaphysics, epistemology, divinity, and other philosophical concepts. The result is an approach to religious pluralism that advocates for friendship between diverse traditions by showing how a Jain reading of the Bhagavad-gītā can provide a foundation for mutual respect and the valuation of religious and spiritual diversity.
$99.00 USD

105 | Essence of Jainism Through the Teaching of Shrimad Rajchandra Agas
Essence of Jainism is an intermediate course which provides a solid foundation to Jain belief and covers a more advanced understanding of the key tenets of Jain principles, compassion for all living beings, importance of Agna Bhakti and path to peace and spirituality. This course is modified to understand the deeper meaning of daily bhakti, satsang and key mantra malas including the similarities of Navkar Mantra and Sahaj Atma Swaroop Paramguru, Paramguru Nirgranth Sarwagna Dev, and Atam Bhavna Bhava Ta Jiv Lahe Keval Gyan Re. Introduction to four gatis (life forms), five Indriyas (senses), four types of kashaya (type of emotions) is included. We will also cover the life of Laghuraj swami and Bharamachariji in accordance with Agas Ashram.
$99.00 USD

2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1
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2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1
** This asynchronous, "self-study" course is self-paced and without live instruction. It is best suited for those who have some familiarity with Sanskrit or experience in learning other languages. For those wishing to study in a scheduled, live setting with a university professor, please enroll in 2012 | University Sanskrit 1 Live ** Competency with Sanskrit translation is a key skill for academics in the field of South Asian Studies. It is one of the most important research skills that provides scholars access to resources that are the object of their research. It is also a skill that, when demonstrated with translations in one's publications, gives a great deal of credibility to the academic work of scholars. Sanskrit can also be very helpful to strengthen and deepen one's connection to one's own spiritual tradition. For most Dharma traditions (Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Yoga), Sanskrit is often the medium of liturgical practices, and Sanskrit texts which tend to form the doctrinal, philosophical, and practical foundation for individual and collective spiritual practices in those traditions. Dharma traditions are deep reservoirs of spiritual wisdom that have the power to transform us personally and collectively in profound ways, and Sanskrit is one of the most important keys to unlocking that great reservoir of ancient spiritual wisdom that is much needed in our own personal lives, and in our collective society at large. In this self-study course, students will gain the important research skills necessary to translate Sanskrit texts by translating modified excerpts from Sanskrit literature. These research skills include basic philology such as etymology, the ability to identify inflexions and grammatical forms, and syntactical analyses. Asynchronous Sanskrit Training2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1 is a self-study, asynchronous course. It is the first of a two course series (2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1 and 2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2) offered by Professor Cogen Bohanec, MA, PhD and Arihanta Institute. Upon completion of both courses, students can expect to complete the Devavāṇīpraveśikā Sanskrit primer (Goldman and Goldman, 1980). In the process, students will learn to memorize, recognize, and recall all major paradigms of inflection (conjugations, declensions, indeclinable suffixes, prefixes, etc.) and use these skills when translating, reading, memorizing, or liturgically reciting Sanskrit texts. The option of asynchronous Sanskrit training is intended as an accessible learning option for self-motivated students who thrive in a self-paced learning environment. Students can move through the course material at their own pace, based on their ability and schedule. Since there are no live classes or synchronous instruction, and given the complexity of the subject matter, students will derive most benefit if they have previously studied Sanskrit, or if they are strongly committed to a daily routine of continued self-study over the course of a year or two, or perhaps longer (keeping in mind that when learning a new language, one should work through a primer more than once). This course may also be useful as a supplement for Sanskrit students who are enrolled in a Sanskrit studies university program, particularly if that course is using the Devavāṇīpraveśikā as a primer. Here, the two course series - 2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1 and 2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2 - can serve as a tutorial for research skills in basic philology (see “Learning Objectives” section below). Additionally, students who have previously participated in a Sanskrit program and are looking for a practical review, this course series provides a succinct and comprehensive opportunity to reinforce the necessary skills.Learning ObjectivesLearn to read Sanskrit in Devanagari font.Acquire basic Sanskrit vocabulary.Learn to identify and understand the basic grammatical forms covered in class.Learn to understand key differences between Sanskrit and English syntaxes and to be able to convert Sanskrit syntax into English syntax.Learn basic skills for translation of Sanskrit primary sources for researchBecome familiarized with other cultural and intellectual elements of the broader Sanskrit tradition.
$99.00 USD

2001 | Introduction to Jain Philosophy
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2001 | Introduction to Jain Philosophy
Refresh your understanding of Jain philosophy or embark on a journey to learn Jain philosophy from the ground up as you survey the Jain tradition’s fundamental philosophical insights
$99.00 USD

2003 | Jain Mantras
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2003 | Jain Mantras
This course looks at how Jains, over a period of about 2,000 years, have developed their own mantras in conversation with both Hindus and Buddhists. We will examine the different versions and meanings of the most important Jain mantra, the pañcanamaskāra, and look at how mantras like OṂ HRĪṂ and ARHUṂ have been related to the soul, karmic destruction, and the path to liberation. Learning Objectives• Understand the histories of some important Jain mantras, especially the pañcanamaskāra/ṇamokār/navkār mantra• See how Jain mantras have been related to karma theory and the path to liberation• Compare Buddhist, Jain and Hindu interpretations of the mantras OṂ, HRĪṂ, and ARHAṂ/AHAṂ• Examine some ways in which mantras have been used in Jain rituals and material culture
$99.00 USD

1005 | Embodying Nonviolence: Mahātma Gandhi’s Jain Influences
Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) is well known as the leader of India’s nonviolent struggle for independence from the British Empire. What is less well known is the great variety of traditions that went into making up Gandhi’s philosophy. These traditions include the Vaiṣṇava Hindu tradition in which he was born and raised, as well as the Jain tradition, a prominent tradition of his native state of Gujarat, which had a profound impact on his worldview and his advocacy of ahiṃsā–non-violence in thought, word, and action–in all aspects of life. This course will explore the considerable impact of Jain thought and practice on Mohandas Gandhi, and the role of the Jain tradition in his path to becoming the Mahātma: the great soul who has inspired generations not only of Indians, but of people around the world who yearn for the nonviolent transformation of global society. Of particular interest will be the teachings of Gandhiji’s Jain guru, Sri Rajchandra Mehta (1867-1901).
$99.00 USD

2005 | Demystifying Anekāntavāda
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2005 | Demystifying Anekāntavāda
Explore the history, philosophies, and many meanings of the popular Jain concept known as “anekāntavāda”. Begin by exploring anekāntavāda’s rich history and understand why this term means much more than just “intellectual ahiṃsā”. Next, appreciate the philosophical complexity of anekāntavāda and its variant applications through nayavāda, syādvāda, saptabhaṅgī, and nikṣepa.Finally, with this philosophy and history in mind, bring your fresh and deeper understanding of anekāntavāda into the present and apply it to one of many important questions of contemporary society.
$99.00 USD

103 | Jain Path to Jain Way of Living
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103 | Jain Path to Jain Way of Living
The course incorporates Jain core values as derived from the Tattvartha Sutra and shares Jain philosophy, principles and practices with participants.Our goal is to help people learn to live a Jain Way of Life with greater happiness and equanimity. The sessions will bring alive and simplify Jain Philosophy of Soul and Karma and Jain Principles of Ahimsa, Anekantvad, and Aparigraha using new paradigms. From these core beliefs we will connect to our modern day Jain Way of Life practices. Also, we will discuss and share Jain content with participants.
$99.00 USD

1012 | The Jain Bhāvanās: Benevolence, Sympathetic Joy, Compassion, and Equanimity in Everyday Life
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1012 | The Jain Bhāvanās: Benevolence, Sympathetic Joy, Compassion, and Equanimity in Everyday Life
Explore the meanings, history, and practical applications of the cultivation of the Jain virtues of benevolence towards all living beings (maitrī), sympathetic joy for the virtuous (pramoda), compassion for the afflicted (kāruṇya), and equanimity towards the unvirtuous (mādhyastha). Begin by defining each term according to Jain textual sources. Next, appreciate the moral significance of these virtues and its various applications. Finally, with this conceptualization and history in mind, bring your fresh and deeper understanding of these virtues into the present and apply them in daily life. This course includes comparative study of the bhāvanās as they are interpreted and practiced in other dharma traditions. Learning Objectives:Understand the relevance of the four bhāvanās in Jain ethics and soteriology.Critically consider their context, and compare with other religious traditions.Bring your own insight of the bhāvanās into the present and apply them in daily life.
$99.00 USD

2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2
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2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2
** This asynchronous, "self-study" course is the second level of self-paced Sanskrit and without live instruction. It is best suited for those who have completed 2010 Research Sanskrit: Level 1 and have some familiarity with Sanskrit or experience in learning other languages.**Competency with Sanskrit translation is a key skill for academics in the field of South Asian Studies. It is one of the most important research skills that provides scholars access to resources that are the object of their research. It is also a skill that, when demonstrated with translations in one's publications, gives a great deal of credibility to the academic work of scholars. Sanskrit can also be very helpful to strengthen and deepen one's connection to one's own spiritual tradition. For most Dharma traditions (Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Yoga), Sanskrit is often the medium of liturgical practices, and Sanskrit texts which tend to form the doctrinal, philosophical, and practical foundation for individual and collective spiritual practices in those traditions. Dharma traditions are deep reservoirs of spiritual wisdom that have the power to transform us personally and collectively in profound ways, and Sanskrit is one of the most important keys to unlocking that great reservoir of ancient spiritual wisdom that is much needed in our own personal lives, and in our collective society at large. In this self-study course, students will gain the important research skills necessary to translate Sanskrit texts by actually translating modified excerpts from Sanskrit literature. These research skills include basic philology such as etymology, the ability to identify inflexions and grammatical forms, and syntactical analyses. Asynchronous Sanskrit Training2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2 is a self-study, asynchronous course. It is the second of a two course series (2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1 and 2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2) offered by Professor Cogen Bohanec, MA, PhD and Arihanta Institute. Upon completion of both of these courses, students can expect to complete the Devavāṇīpraveśikā Sanskrit primer (Goldman and Goldman, 1980). In the process, students will learn to memorize, recognize, and recall all major paradigms of inflection (conjugations, declensions, indeclinable suffixes, prefixes, etc.) and use these skills when translating, reading, memorizing, or liturgically reciting Sanskrit texts. The option of asynchronous Sanskrit training is intended as an accessible learning option for self-motivated students who thrive in a self-paced learning environment. Students can move through the course material at their own pace, based on their own ability and schedule. Since there are no live classes or synchronous instruction in this course, and given the complexity of the subject matter, students will derive most benefit from this course if they have already studied Sanskrit in a previous course, or if they are strongly committed to a daily routine of continued self-study over the course of at least a year or two, or perhaps longer (keeping in mind that when learning a new language, one should work through a primer more than once). This course may also be useful as a supplement for Sanskrit students who are enrolled in a Sanskrit studies university program, particularly if that course is using the Devavāṇīpraveśikā as a primer. Here, the two course series - 2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1 and 2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2 - can serve as a tutorial for research skills in basic philology (see “Learning Objectives” section below). Additionally, students who have previously participated in a Sanskrit program and are looking for a practical review, this course series provides a succinct and comprehensive opportunity to reinforce the necessary skills. Learning ObjectivesLearn to read Sanskrit in Devanagari font.Acquire basic Sanskrit vocabulary.Learn to identify and understand the basic grammatical forms covered in class.Learn to understand key differences between Sanskrit and English syntaxes and to be able to convert Sanskrit syntax into English syntax.Learn basic skills for translation of Sanskrit primary sources for research.Become familiarized with other cultural and intellectual elements of the broader Sanskrit tradition.
$99.00 USD

2012 | University Sanskrit 1 Live
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2012 | University Sanskrit 1 Live
This synchronous, "live" online course is a 16-week seminar for those wishing to study Sanskrit in a scheduled, live setting with a university professor (class meets twice a week). For those looking to study in a self-paced, asynchronous course, please enroll in 2010 | Research Sanskrit: Level 1. In this course, which is the first of a two course series, students will complete the equivalent of their first semester of graduate level Sanskrit. Students will gain necessary competency for Sanskrit 1 as well as the important research skills necessary to translate Sanskrit texts by translating modified excerpts from Sanskrit literature. These research skills include basic philology such as etymology, the ability to identify inflexions and grammatical forms, and syntactical analyses. This course will be divided into two sections. Upon completion of both of these sections, we will have completed the Devavāṇīpraveśikā Sanskrit primer (Goldman and Goldman, 1980). In the process, students will learn to memorize, recognize, and recall all major paradigms of inflection (conjugations, declensions, indeclinable suffixes, prefixes, etc.) and use these skills when translating, reading, memorizing, or liturgically reciting Sanskrit texts. Competency with Sanskrit translation is a key skill for academics in the field of South Asian Studies. It is one of the most important research skills that gives scholars access to resources that are the object of their research, and it is also a skill that, when demonstrated with translations in one’s publications, gives a great deal of much needed credibility to the academic work of scholars. Sanskrit can also be very helpful to strengthen and deepen one’s connection to one’s own spiritual tradition. For most Dharma traditions (Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism), Sanskrit is often the medium of liturgical practices, and Sanskrit texts also tend to form the doctrinal, philosophical, and practical foundation for individual and collective spiritual practices in those traditions. Dharma traditions are deep reservoirs of spiritual wisdom that have the power to transform us personally and collectively in profound ways, and Sanskrit is on one of the most important keys to unlocking that great reservoir of ancient spiritual wisdom that is much needed in our own personal lives, and in our collective society at large. Learning ObjectivesLearn to read Sanskrit in Devanagari font.Acquire basic Sanskrit vocabulary.Learn to identify and understand the basic grammatical forms covered in class.Learn to understand key differences between Sanskrit and English syntaxes and to be able to convert Sanskrit syntax into English syntax.Learn basic skills for translation of Sanskrit primary sources for researchBecome familiarized with other cultural and intellectual elements of the broader Sanskrit tradition.

$500.00 USD

3007 | Ancient and Classical Jain Yoga
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3007 | Ancient and Classical Jain Yoga
This course provides an in-depth exploration of yoga and meditation as understood within ancient and classical Jain scriptures. In Part 1: Ancient Jain Yoga, students will be introduced to foundational concepts such as āsana, or physical postures, as a tool for purification and meditation. Drawing from early Jain texts, including the Uttarādhyayanasūtra and the Daśavaikālikasūtra, students will learn how restraint of the body, mind, and speech formed early Jain definitions of yoga. Part 2: Yoga and Meditation in Classical Jain Philosophy, transitions into an examination of the Tattvārthsūtra and its commentaries, where yoga is described as the inflow (āsrava) of karma—representing an obstacle to spiritual liberation. Students will explore the key to liberation through correct worldview, knowledge, and conduct, as well as the role of dhyāna (meditation) as both an austerity (tapas) and a means of wearing away (nirjarā) karma. Through a discussion of virtuous (dharma) and pure (śukla) meditation, the course will highlight how advanced meditation practices lead to spiritual purification and the elimination of karma, providing a comprehensive understanding of Jain yoga's ultimate aim of mokṣa, or liberation. This is designed as a two-week course that will take approximately 4 hours to complete, and includes readings and a series of 10 lectures to guide you through the intricacies of ancient and classical Jain definitions of Yoga. Learning Objectives:Learn the role of āsana (physical postures) in ancient Jain yoga as a tool for purification and meditation.Discover how restraint of body, mind, and speech formed early Jain definitions of yoga, with guidance from key ancient texts.Explore the classical Jain philosophical view of yoga as the inflow (āsrava) of karma, and see how this concept is discussed in the Tattvārthsūtra and its commentaries.Understand how meditation (dhyāna) serves as an austerity (tapas) to wear away karma (nirjarā) and how virtuous (dharma) and pure (śukla) meditation practices lead to spiritual purification and liberation (mokṣa).
$99.00 USD

3008 | Yogabindu & Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya: The Yogas of Haribhadrasūri
This course offers a close exploration of the teachings and historical contexts of two significant teachers of early Śvetāmbara Jain yoga: Haribhadra Virahāṇka and Haribhadra Yākinīputra.Beginning with an introduction to Haribhadra Virahāṇka’s (ca. 6 th c. CE) hagiography, we will examine how his legendary name reflects the Jain path to liberation (mokṣa), setting the stage for a study of his yoga texts aimed for the same goal: the Yogabindu and Yogaśataka. In addition to looking at the limited historical evidence regarding Haribhadra Virahāṇka’s tentative 6 th c. CE dating, the course will analyze Haribhadra’s categorization of yoga practitioners into three levels, with a focus on the cāritrin (pathgoer), who embodies the path of comprehensive Jain yoga practice. Through a detailed examination of the five types of yoga in the Yogabindu, students will understand how these practices facilitate liberation according to Jain karma theory. Students will also appreciate how the Yogabindu represents Jainism’s first-known exposition of “yoga” as a spiritual path, rather than something that causes the inflow of karma as understood in the preceding classical period.Transitioning to Haribhadra Yākinīputra (ca. 8 th c. CE), the course will delve into his hagiography as well as his distinct contributions to Jain yoga, the Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya and Yogaviṁśikā. We will investigate how Haribhadra Yākinīputra is historically (and tentatively) dated to the 8 th c. CE, while also appreciating how he both integrates but also simultanesouly critiques various traditions such as tantra, Buddhism, and Brahmanism within his Jain framework. Finally, students will understand how Haribhadra maps his yoga philosophy onto not only Patañjali’s 8-limbed yoga but also Jain concepts including the 14 guṇasthānas. Students will appreciate how the two Haribhadras put their respective Jain teachings into dialogue with other religious and philosophical traditions, while maintaining a commitment to their own Jain tradition.This is designed as a two-week course that will take approximately 4 hours to complete, and includes readings and a series of 10 lectures to guide you through the intricacies of the yogas of Haribhadra Virahāṇka and Haribhadra Yākinīputra. It is recommended, though not required, that students complete course 3007 “Ancient and Classical Jain Yoga” before taking this course if they wish to have further background on Jain yoga. Learning Objectives:1. Learn the histories and hagiographies of Haribhadra Virahāṇka and Haribhadra Yākinīputra to understand how their legendary names were created.2. Understand Haribhadra Virahāṇka’s categorization of yoga practitioners, focusing on the cāritrin and the five types of yoga practices in the Yogabindu, to grasp their role in facilitating liberation through Jain karma theory.3. Learn the contributions of Haribhadra Yākinīputra to Jain yoga, especially hisYogadṛṣṭisamuccaya, and how he critiques and integrates various traditions such as tantra, Buddhism, and Brahmanism within his yoga framework.
$99.00 USD

1014 | Jainism, Veganism, and Engaged Religion
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1014 | Jainism, Veganism, and Engaged Religion
Committed to nonviolence (ahiṃsā) since its ancient beginnings, the Jain tradition has admonished the mistreatment, slaughter, sacrifice, and consumption of animals for thousands of years. In light of these commitments, Jains have traditionally lived a lacto-vegetarian lifestyle, advocated for the legal protection of animals, and have created sanctuaries for animals for centuries. In ancient and medieval scriptural sources, we even find restrictions on the consumption of dairy itself, suggesting potential pre-modern Jain commitments to what would now be referred to as a vegan lifestyle. And today, many Jains have been advocating for veganism in light of the devastating and irreparable harms involved in the production of dairy in contemporary society. This course carefully considers the philosophical and historical underpinnings of Jain Veganism, presenting an opportunity for non-Jain vegans to discover a rich philosophical system aligned with their values, as well as an opportunity for Jains to appreciate the philosophical resources within their own tradition which naturally lead to living an ethical vegan lifestyle.
$25.00 USD
Live Online

2013 | University Sanskrit 2 Live
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2013 | University Sanskrit 2 Live
**This synchronous, "live" online course is a university length (16-week) seminar for those wishing to study Sanskrit in a scheduled, live setting with a university professor (class meets twice a week, Mondays and Fridays at 9:30 a.m. - 10:55 a.m. Pacific). For those looking to study in a self-paced, asynchronous course, please enroll in 2011 | Research Sanskrit: Level 2** In this course, which is Part 2 of 2 (see Course 2012 for first part), students will complete the equivalent of their second semester of graduate level Sanskrit. Students will gain necessary competency for Sanskrit 2 as well as the important research skills necessary to translate Sanskrit texts by translating modified excerpts from Sanskrit literature. These research skills include basic philology such as etymology, the ability to identify inflexions and grammatical forms, and syntactical analyses. Upon completion of this course (and its prerequisite Course 2012), we will have completed the Devavāṇīpraveśikā Sanskrit primer (Goldman and Goldman, 1980). In the process, students will learn to memorize, recognize, and recall all major paradigms of inflection (conjugations, declensions, indeclinable suffixes, prefixes, etc.) and use these skills when translating, reading, memorizing, or liturgically reciting Sanskrit texts. Competency with Sanskrit translation is a key skill for academics in the field of South Asian Studies. It is one of the most important research skills that gives scholars access to resources that are the object of their research, and it is also a skill that, when demonstrated with translations in one’s publications, gives a great deal of much needed credibility to the academic work of scholars. Sanskrit can also be very helpful to strengthen and deepen one’s connection to one’s own spiritual tradition. For most Dharma traditions (Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism), Sanskrit is often the medium of liturgical practices, and Sanskrit texts also tend to form the doctrinal, philosophical, and practical foundation for individual and collective spiritual practices in those traditions. Dharma traditions are deep reservoirs of spiritual wisdom that have the power to transform us personally and collectively in profound ways, and Sanskrit is on one of the most important keys to unlocking that great reservoir of ancient spiritual wisdom that is much needed in our own personal lives, and in our collective society at large. Learning Objectives:1. Learn to read Sanskrit in Devanagari font.2. Acquire basic Sanskrit vocabulary.3. Learn to identify and understand the basic grammatical forms covered in class.4. Learn to understand key differences between Sanskrit and English syntaxes and to be able to convert Sanskrit syntax into English syntax.5. Learn basic skills for translation of Sanskrit primary sources for research.6. Become familiarized with other cultural and intellectual elements of the broader Sanskrit tradition.

$500.00 USD

2009 | Jainism and Bioethics: Foundations and Application
Beyond its ethical aim of nonviolence, Jainism offers a rich account of birth, life, medicine, illness, and death. In this class, we will explore principles for bioethics in early Jain texts with some engagement with western normative ethical theories. We will also consider contemporary Jain views on reproductive ethics, antibiotics and vaccinations, animal ethics, organ donation, and dying and death in light of brief case studies. Learning ObjectivesIdentify unique Jain features of life and nonlife such as jīva, karma, multiple perspectivism.Describe how nonviolence fits in the wider Jain historical and soteriological framework.Articulate distinct Jain principles that apply to contemporary bioethical dilemmas.Compare features of Jain bioethical principles to western normative principles.
$99.00 USD

1000 | Foundations of Jain Studies
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1000 | Foundations of Jain Studies
This course offers an introduction to Jain Studies. Begin with an exploration of key Jain teachings and practices, focusing on the principles of non-harming (ahiṃsā) and non-possession (aparigraha), both central to the tradition. Delve, then, into the Three Jewels of Jainism—right worldview, right knowledge, and right conduct—and examine how these principles shape the foundation of the Jain tradition. Next, investigate the profound connection between Jainism and animal advocacy, exploring the teachings of Mahavira on animals as well as contemporary Jain practices of animal care. Afterwards, explore the Jain perspective on the human body, including the importance of health, the role of karmas in shaping one’s embodiment, and the fine line between bodily renunciation and the need to have good health. Finally, observe how Jainism’s commitment to compassion and social justice is expressed through transformative social initiatives, focusing on the work of Acharya Chandanaji and the global reach of her charitable organization, Veerayatan. This is designed as a one-week course that will take approximately 3 hours to complete, and includes a series of 14 lectures with accompanying readings and a final quiz to guide you through essential foundations in Jain Studies. Learning Objectives:Understand the core principles of Jainism, including the practices of non-harming (ahiṃsā) and non-possession (aparigraha)Analyze the Three Jewels of Jainism (right worldview, right knowledge, and right conduct)Evaluate the relationship between Jainism and animal advocacyLearn the Jain perspective on the human body and its role in spiritual practiceAssess the role of compassion and social justice in Jainism