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How long does the program take to complete?
This is depends on how many courses a student can complete within their own schedule. The entire program consists of 16, 3-credit courses. So, for example, if during Year 1 a student takes 3 courses in Fall, 3 courses in Spring, and 2 courses in the summer, they will have completed 8 out of 16 courses. If they were to repeat this same course load in Year 2 and have fulfilled all of the core, elective, interreligious, language, and MA thesis requirements, they could in theory complete the entire program in 2 years.

Some students who are working, have family obligations, etc. may opt to take a slower pace. For example, if a student were to instead take, during Year 1, 2 courses in Fall, 2 courses in Spring, and 1 course in the summer, they will have completed 5 out of 16 courses. If they repeat this pattern for two more years and add an extra summer course in along the way, they could in theory complete the program in 3 years.

Some students may still wish to spread their course load out a bit further, and would thus extend their time commitment into 4 years if they so wish.
How much does the program cost?
Arihanta Institute charges identical tuition rates as found at Claremont School of Theology. Please see our financial aid page for more information about program tuition and fees.
Do you offer financial aid or scholarships?
Students may apply for financial aid through Claremont School of Theology. Please see our financial aid page for more information financial aid.

Arihanta Institute offers a limited number of scholarships. To learn more, please email study@arihantainstitute.org
What times zones do you teach in?
Courses are generally scheduled according to Pacific Time to accommodate as many time zones as possible. If you have more particular questions about class times based on your time zone, please email study@arihantainstitute.org
How can I speak to someone to learn about the graduate program?
To schedule an appointment with one of our advisors to learn more about our program, please email study@arihantainstitute.org