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Concentration in “Yoga Studies” for the MA – Engaged Jain Studies Track

Arihanta Institute teaches courses in the “Yoga Studies” concentration for the Engaged Jain Studies MA track at Claremont School of Theology.

To add a concentration in “Yoga Studies,” graduate students take 3 courses for a total of 9 credits (3, 3-credit courses). These courses could include, from Arihanta Institute:

1) “Foundations of Jain Yoga Studies”
2) “Jain Yoga”
3) “Haṭha Yoga and Jain Yoga”
4) “Social Justice and Modern Yoga”

The “Foundations of Jain Yoga Studies” course includes a survey of the history of yoga and yoga texts that is indispensable for aspiring scholars of Yoga Studies. Furthermore, students are also required to study and practice the classical eight limbs of Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtra and to find connections between this yoga scripture and Jain yogic scriptures to emphasize the ways that Jains have historically been engaged with their surrounding religious milieu during India’s classical period.

“Jain Yoga” Requires students to practice yoga techniques and ethical practices gleaned from both Jain yoga texts and living yoga communities for their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual development (no particular religious commitment is required to take part in these exercises). These exercises include the well-known Jain commitment to meditation (dhyāna) in yoga practice.

The “Haṭha Yoga and Jain Yoga” course carefully considers the development of the haṭha yoga tradition, the medieval forms of yoga that emerged after India’s classical period, and which are the predecessors of today’s forms of physical yoga. Students are offered the opportunity to undertake the postural, breathing, and meditation techniques found in medieval haṭha yoga texts as well as to see how these texts influenced, or were perhaps influenced by, the Jain yoga tradition in particular.

In addition to these courses offered by Arihanta Institute, students will also be able to take existing and future courses offered at CST to fulfill the 9-credit requirement.

Why “Yoga Studies” alongside Engaged Jain Studies?

Yoga has become a global phenomenon, and people from all walks of life are practicing it. The demand for yoga teachers is also growing, and there is a need for qualified professionals who can teach and promote yoga in a historically and philosophically responsible manner. A concentration in Yoga Studies provides graduate students with the knowledge and skills they need and desire, adding much knowledge to their ongoing professional development.

The concentration in Yoga Studies also serves students’ educational interests in the Engaged Jain Studies MA track at Claremont School of Theology by providing them with a deeper understanding of the history and philosophy of yoga, yoga’s relationship to religion and spirituality, and yoga within the context of Jain Yoga in particular. Students study primary yoga texts, are given opportunities to exercise their Sanskrit skills learned in the MA program, practice yoga techniques, and understand the continuities and discontinuities between premodern and modern forms of yoga through their engagement with living, practicing communities. They are prepared to pursue PhD studies in the field of Yoga Studies, and with particular emphasis on Jain Yoga and allied fields of inquiry.

Apply Today!

To schedule an appointment with one of our advisors to learn more about our program, please email study@arihantainstitute.org