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Veganism in Pop Culture

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Veganism in Pop Culture

Available for self-study starting March 31, 2025.

Course 1019

This course will look at fictional representations of animal advocacy; vegan practices and values like recognition and compassion; and farmed, free living, and companion animals in popular Anglophone, Western popular media, and participants will learn how these have shaped our relationships to animals and animal ethics in modern history.

bell hooks discusses her book Outlaw Culture in relation to her concerns with problematic patterns appearing in popular culture. She tells how sometimes she found the best way to teach students or individuals about "otherness" was by relating it to a medium they were familiar with, the media and popular culture.


Unlike critical theory that may be hard for a lot of people to access or understand, popular culture is for the masses and is easily understood. Thus, the masses are far more likely to be educated by popular culture rather than theory-based essays.

Course Details

The course includes:
● 4 hours of recorded video content
● Weekly readings for self-study
● Live Q&A zoom sessions on April 4, 11, 18, and 25 on 9AM to 10AM PT

Learning Area

Animal Advocacy & Biodiversity
Social Justice


Christopher Sebastian McJetters
Christopher Sebastian McJetters is a journalist, technical writer, and adjunct lecturer. He teaches in the School of Journalism, Media, and Visual Arts at Anglo-American University in Prague. He writes about food, politics, media, pop culture, and (of course) animals.