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Animal Sanctuary: Solutions in Nonviolence

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Animal Sanctuary: Solutions in Nonviolence

Course 1018

Animals farmed for food and resources are among the most exploited, abused, and suffering beings on the planet. There have long been groups of humans trying to rescue them and advocate for their rights, possibly for as long as they have been enslaved and commodified—around 10-12,000 years. For the last 40 years or so, this movement includes organizations called a “Farm Sanctuary”—a place where farmed animals who have been neglected, surrendered, found, or liberated are cared for and supported in living out their natural lives. This course will look at the history, philosophy, ethics, practices, and cultural/ecological implications of farm animal sanctuaries as an approach to ahimsa. Leave with a deeper and broader kinship to the community with whom we share the planet.


Course Details

  • 6 hours of recorded video content
  • Weekly readings for self-study
  • 4 scheduled, 60-minute Live Q&A sessions with Professor Jonina Turzi on January 31, February 7, 14, and 21 from 9-10 a.m. PST
  • Course Materials will be available beginning Monday, January 27, 2025

Course Length

4-week Live Course: Jan. 31 - Feb. 21, 2025

Learning Area

Animal Advocacy & Biodiversity


Jonina Turzi
Jonina co-founded Lancaster Farm Sanctuary with Sarah Saluzzo to advance the well-being of humans and animals. She previously founded a yoga studio and led yoga classes and teacher trainings. She is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and owns a private PT practice in Lancaster City.