Professor Christopher Jain Miller Participates in Workshop on Asian Practices & Western Influence at University of Victoria

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Professor Christopher Jain Miller Participates in Workshop on Asian Practices & Western Influence at University of Victoria
By Christopher Miller, PhD

From September 26-29, 2024, Dr. Christopher Jain Miller participated in a scholarly workshop hosted by the University of Victoria’s Centre for Studies in Religion and Society organized by Director Paul Bramadat and Rachel Brown. This event, titled “We Should Know Better,” brought together a diverse group of scholar-practitioners from various traditions around the globe to explore the tensions between personal commitments to Asian spiritual practices and the impacts of Western social and political dynamics on those practices.


The workshop marked one of the first meetings of its kind, addressing the complex relationships that scholar-practitioners have with their respective Asian spiritual traditions. Participants critically examined how Western forces—such as colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchal norms—have shaped the perception and practice of these traditions. This discourse is particularly timely, given the increasing scrutiny surrounding cultural appropriation in academic and spiritual contexts. The Centre’s initiative aims not only to foster dialogue among scholars but also to produce a subsequent book and host public events that will further explore these critical issues. 


“Engaging with fellow scholar-practitioners remotely has been an enriching experience,” said Dr. Miller. “It’s essential to critically reflect on how our practices as Western-trained scholars can affect the Asian traditions we study and participate in, but also how these traditions might transform the academy itself. This workshop provided a unique platform for critical dialogue about these complex intersections.”


Dr. Miller, who attended the workshop remotely from Switzerland to represent his practice of Jain yoga, chose this method of participation as part of his commitment to reducing his climate impact from flying. The organizers graciously accommodated Dr. Miller’s request, allowing him to engage with fellow participants through remote technology.


The workshop attracted a diverse group of participants, all of whom share a vested interest in navigating the intricacies of their personal and professional commitments to Asian spiritual practices. Together, they discussed the ethical implications of their work and explored ways to honor the traditions they study while remaining aware of the historical and cultural contexts from which these practices arise.


Online & Abroad - Participants  of the “We Should Know Better” scholarly workshop. Photo provided courtesy of: Paul Bramadat



Christopher Jain Miller, the co-founder and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Arihanta Institute, completed his PhD in the study of Religion at the University of California, Davis. His current research focuses on Modern Yoga and Engaged Jainism. Christopher is the author of a number of articles and book chapters concerned with Jainism and the practice of modern yoga.


Professor Miller teaches several self-paced, online courses at Arihanta Institute, as well as in the MA-Engaged Jain Studies graduate program


If you are interested in Jain yoga or just want to learn more about Dr. Miller's research and work, register to attend our next MA Info Session on Friday, October 18, 2024 at 9 a.m. PDT.  


You can also check out our webpage or email for more information. 


Dr. Miller's available online courses: