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EJS Podcast Ep. 6 Vasile Stanescu | Debunking the Myth of Sustainable & Humane Animal Agriculture

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EJS Podcast Ep. 6 Vasile Stanescu | Debunking the Myth of Sustainable & Humane Animal Agriculture

By Taina Rodriguez-Berardi

In this episode of the Engaged Jain Studies Podcast, Arihanta Institute professor Jonathan Dickstein, PhD interviews Mercer University professor Vasile Stanescu, PhD about his research and work on effective animal liberation and his new online course for Arihanta Institute's Vegan Studies Initiative: "Debunking the Myth of Sustainable & Humane Animal Agriculture."




Episode Highlights:  

  • Path to Veganism: Dr. Stanescu shares his journey to veganism and his dedication to animal studies.
  • Exposing Myths: A critical examination of the false claims of "humane" and "sustainable" animal agriculture, including marketing terms like "free-range," "pasture-raised," "local," and “family-owned.”
  • Empowering Resistance: Strategies for recognizing and resisting misleading narratives in animal agriculture.


Additional Resources & Links:


Join us for an enlightening discussion on the realities of animal agriculture and how to advocate for true sustainability.


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Vasile Stanescu, PhD, Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Mercer University


Dr. Vasile Stanescu received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in the program of Modern Thought and Literature. He is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Mercer University. Dr. Stanescu is the co-founder and former co-Senior Editor of the Critical Animal Studies Book Series published by Brill/Rodopi Press, and a co-founder of the North American Association for Critical Animal Studies (NAACAS). He has also served on the editorial collective for the Journal for Critical Animal Studies and co-organized the Stanford Environmental Humanities Project. He is currently a member of the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN) based out of Brown University.


A pioneer in the field of Critical Animal Studies, Dr. Stanescu has over 25 peer-reviewed publications on the study of animals and the environment. His work has been featured in journals such as the American Behavioral Scientist, The Journal of American Culture, Animal Studies Journal, and the Journal for Critical Animal Studies. His research has been recognized by numerous institutions, including The Woods Institute for the Environment, Minding Animals International, The Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Culture and Animals Foundation, the Institute for Critical Animal Studies, and the Institutul Cultural Român. A committed advocate for animal liberation, Dr. Stanescu has been vegan for over 20 years.



Jonathan Dickstein, PhD, Assistant Professor at Arihanta Institute


Dr. Dickstein specializes in South Asian Religions, Religion and Ecology, and Comparative Religious Ethics. He received his doctoral degree in Religious Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he wrote his dissertation on ancient Indian animal taxonomies and their relevance for religious ritual and dietary practice. Jonathan’s current work focuses on Jainism and contemporary ecological issues, and accordingly extends into Critical Animal Studies, Food Studies, and Diaspora Studies.


Jonathan has published in a wide array of interdisciplinary journals on topics such as veganism and politics, yoga and diet, Jain veganism, and the ethic of nonviolence (ahiṃsa). Jonathan considers himself a scholar-practitioner, having spent many years not only in libraries but also in public advocating for justice for both humans and nonhumans alike.

