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Jains In Society

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Manoj and Anupama Jain
Business Owners of "Vepura – Veggy Your Life!” for Vegan and Vegetarian Food Products
Cologne, Germany
Manoj and Anupama Jain, owners of “Vepura-Veggy Your Life,” join us from Cologne, Germany, to discuss how they have adapted their Jain Way of Life in Europe. Listen as they share their personal and professional adaptations to the European context, where they raise their children and run a successful food business according to Jain principles.

Highlights of Interview with Manoj and Anupama Jain

Manoj and Anupama Jain – Full Length Interview

Interview Segments
  1. Meet Manoj & Anupama Jain
  2. Adapting Your Food for a Western Audience
  3. A Jain Motto
  4. Differences in Practicing Jainism in India & Germany
  5. Jainism’s Impact & Influence on Your Professional Career
  6. Letting People Live the Way They Want
  7. Maintaining Family Relations
  8. Managing a Jain Diet
  9. Managing Dietary Restrictions for Kids and at Parties
  10. The Difference between Vegetarian & Vegan Food
  11. What Other Indians Think of Your Products