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Jains In Society

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Nisha Mehta
Advisory Chair of Jain Vegan Initiative, and Vice-Chair of Ahimsak Eco-Committee of JAINA
New York City, United States
Hear from Nisha Mehta, Advisory Chair for the Jain Vegan Initiative. Learn how Nisha carries her Jain values from England to the United States, maintaining these values in her professional and family life.

Highlights of Interview with Nisha Mehta

Nisha Mehta – Full Length Interview

Interview Segments
  1. About Nisha Mehta
  2. Dealing with Radical Positions
  3. Avoiding Materials That Cause Problems
  4. Creating an Impact
  5. Raising Children
  6. Importance of Religious Practices
  7. Jains in Positions of Power in India
  8. Practicing Ahimsa
  9. Reactions to Marrying a Non-Jain
  10. What Your Life Practices Mean